Report a Concern

There are several options for reporting a concern of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct. You may wish to disclose a concern to the University– anonymously or not– or you may wish to engage in a formal investigative process by filing a formal complaint. As you consider your options, it is important to keep a few things in mind:

  1. Supports are available to you throughout the reporting process
  2. Disclosing a concern is not the same as filing a formal complaint with the University Title IX Coordinator
  3. We can answer any questions you may have for you to make an informed decision about engaging in process that feels right for you.

If you are in immediate danger and need help or want to speak to a specially trained officer about your situation, call the HUPD at 617-495-1212. When you report an incident to HUPD, you will be provided with immediate physical protection and transportation to a medical facility, if necessary. By contacting HUPD, you are not making a commitment to file charges or to testify in court.